The CBCC's Immigrants Assistance Centre was set up in 2008 to provide free services to help Chinese immigrants settle, invest, and start new businesses in Canada.
With a team of volunteer immigration consultants, lawyers, accountants and other professionals, the Centre is able to offer in the Chinese language a whole range of consulting services the newcomers need in the new land.
As a non-profit organization, the CBCC has a tradition of encouraging volunteers to offer free services, such as free information sessions, free import service, free export service and so on, to the business community. We believe that volunteerism strengthens our communities.
For further information, please contact:
Sean Hu, CGA, Coordinator
Immigrants Assistance Centre
Chinese Business Chamber of Canada
1027 McNicoll Avenue 2nd Floor
Toronto ON M1W 3W6
Tel: 416-366-0966
Fax: 416-366-1818